Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunflower Seeds!/ Batteries.


IF you are having a hard time getting the yummyness out of the Sunflower seed you SHOULD be holding right now!. Then, I got some tips on HOW TOO DO IT!. I even tested them out!. Here:

1. Take a Bag of SunFlower Seeds, ANY KIND.

2. Take one out of the Bag.

3. Place the SunFlower seed in your mouth, and suck on it.

4. Suck on it until you can not taste the salt anymore, then, keep sucking on it for about 12 more minutes. Or less.

5. Once it feels all loose, chew on it 3 times.

6. Now, the shell SHOULD be in peices and the Seed should be on your Toungue, if it is, spit the bits and peices of shell out in a cup or trashcan, of it isn't, take it out of your mouth, remove the Loose peices of the shell, and place the Seed in your mouth.

There!. And, I may be getting some batteries for my Camera!. You know what that means?. MORE PICURES!. And, maybe some VIDEOS!.
Well, thanks for reading!.
More blogging's on its way!.


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