Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Heaven. Oh, and here is a few poems I wrote!.

Hey, hey, hey!. My last blog said that I'd send you guys the song I wrote. ''Heaven'' was the name of it. I re-wrote the song. Here you go!. Hope you like it:

Heaven. Christian song. By MEEEE!.
(P.S. It isn't really that good, but, here it is anyways).

The roads of gold are up above.
Were no darkness shows.
Streets of gold will be on the ground.

Praise the Lord.
His name is the Bible.
His love is you.
Its the place with no saddness or tears will be.

Thats it so far...you like?. Oh, and I wrote a few poems. Some of them may not make sense. Some of them make not ryme. Some of them may ryme. So here you go!.

1. Stormy weather.
Stormy weather, oh, no, no, no.
I saw it on the weather channel.
With a dish of fish on my lap, ofcourse.
A loud blast of rain fell out of my door!.
Oh dear, oh dear, the cold will come in!.
And a big and bold rat will come and chase me into the clothes bin.
Shut the door!, shut the door!.
The power will blast off.
With a loud bust of thunder.
And I will hide under the table and wonder.
My cat Frickessy meowed at me.
His meow was so loud.
And so proud, indeed!.
It won't be long, oh sweet kitty.
Before the power blasts on, oh Frickessy.

Haha, that one didn't make any sense, pretty much. NEXT!!!.

2. Horse back riding.
Thump, thump, thump!.
A pretty day too ride!.
Thump, thump, thump!.
My horse is such a lazy lump!.
Down the cliff we go.
Landing in the snow.
So cold, so white.
The snow gave me and my horse a shiver of fright!.
So, she cantered off, bucking and kicking.
Leaving me behind, sneezing and blowing.
When she comes back.
She will be in trouble.
Or double-trouble!.

There you go!. Bye, bye!. I'll post more tomorrow!. See ya later.

Writing books.

I love writing books. Its one of my best hobbies. I also like reading. I'm not sure which one is better. With reading, you don't know what will happen. When you write a book, you can create your own world, own character, and write about whatever you want. You can even write about your life if you wanted too. But I perfer writing fiction books. Heres a hint. If you can't figure out what the characters name will be, use your name, or your friends, or family's names. Or make up your own name.
I wrote a song called ''heaven''. Its a christian song. I'll put it on so you guys can see it later.
Writing on the computer-like I do-is simple. You don't even have too write it on paper. You just have too make sure that you know what too write about. That happened too me before. I didn't know what too write about, and it ended up coming out all wrong. Theres plenty things too write a story about, animals, food, anything. If your going too write on paper then you should probley have paper (duhh!. Haha). And pencils, pencil sharpener, or a pen. But, if you write with a pen, you can't clean up the mess you made when you write it down. So try a pencil instead. Haha. Then your free too write. You can write either chapter books or the none chapter books. I write chapter books. Because on one part, you stop, and then you move on too the next chapter. :D. And make sure your writing is all neat and watch your lines. I do not write stories on paper because my hand cramps after a while, and it takes FOREVER. So, I do it on the computer. Which is easy, because you just type it in!. And its faster too.
If you write it all messy, like this: Hi I am awesome.
Then the people reading it wouldn't be able too read it. :D. (By the way, you might want too try putting the paper on somthing HARD, that way so the writing won't come out light).
Well, i'll write more later!. I will send the song I wrote too you guys pretty soon!. Bye!.

Dog day!. Day 1. Haha.

Hey!. Want too see some picures of dogs?. How about a chocalate lab?.

Chocalate lab- This one looks like my dog, Jack, a little bit. Did you notice chocalate labs usually have hazel eyes?. Chocalate labs are very pretty!. If you have a dark couch, like I have, and if your chocalate lab lays on it, and if you turn the lights off. Don't sit on the couch!. You won't be able too see the dog laying there. With a golden retriever you might, because there furr is gold. Want too see a yellow lab?.
Yellow lab-This one is adoroble!. Look at its eyes. Did you notice there bright green?. :D. It looks like its about 12 months old. Or 1. Its so cute!.
Black lab-This picure kinda came out blurry. Want a better picure?. Here you go. I have alot of these black lab picures too show you!. And they are all very adoroble!. Check this one out. Isn't he sweet?. This one is adoroble too!.

Now lets move on too a diffrent dog!. How about a golden retriever?.

Golden Retriever-Oh my gosh!. So cute!. There both swimming together, and sharing the ball. Aren't they sweet?. I got plenty more. This one is so cute. And this one is sweet. One is darker. One is brighter. Have you noticed that with golden retrievers?. Some are whiteish goldish. And some are very dark gold.
Pug-Oh my gosh, this has too be one of the best pug picures!. Its so cute, and sweeter then ever. How did they get that pug too dress up as a StarWars character and sit him there?. Try this one. What is this?. Pug halloween day!. Haha.
Chinese Shar-pei-Anyone heard of these dogs?. There cute. And remind me of somthing about china. Oh, I think thats why they call them chinese shar-pei. But why did they put the word sharp in it.
Poodle-I once saw two big poodles in a car!. They weren't small like this one. But they were pretty. A little bit like this giant black poodle in the picure thats sniffing the gray little dog. But look at the brown curly poodle standing away from them. Isn't he cute?!. Go dogs!. Haha.
Yorkie- Aren't they sweet?. But too small for me. There cute, but I need a big dog. I allready have a big dog though, Jack, he looks like the chocalate lab up top. Yorkies would be nice too ''babysit'' or ''dog-sit'' though. I've never ''dog-sat'' before. But I want too!!.
Not sure what this dog is-Anyone know what this dog breed is?. If so, comment and tell me, please. It sounds familer.

Hey, hey, hey!. I'm not sure which is the number 1 dog out of these dog photos. There all cute. But I think the chocalate lab would be good?...Golden Retrievers secondly. Here are the number 1 dog scores!. Yay!. Haha.
1. Number 1 dog is: Labedor Retrievers.-Yipee!. The score on this dog shal be 1000020230010000. If thats even a number. Haha.
2. Second best dog: Golden retrievers.-Oh, yay. The score on this dog shal be 100. Go golden retrievers!.
3. Last best dog: Pug!.- Haha, so cute!. The score will be 200 on this one.

So the winner is Labedor Retrievers cause there on top. :D. The prize for labedor retrievers will be...ummmm...for my dog, Jack, a trip too play. And for the other labedors, a invisible bone!. Haha.
Oh, and by the way. I'm writing a story about a dog. And i'm going too make up a breed. Everyone comment and say a breed that isn't real. Haha, thats the best things about stories. You can make up stuff!. :D. Here are some fun breeds I came up with so far before you comment though.
1. Gug. (Golden retriever mixed with pug).
2. Labashepperd retriever. (Labador mixed with german shepperd).
3. Yorkgle. (Beagle mixed with Yorkie).
4. Pinese Oopee. (Chinese Shar-pei mixed with poodle).

Those were some mixed. But now you can choose!. You may comment away. Haha. See you later!.