Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Friday and Today, LOL.

Wow, hey, really late at night!. LOL.

I am in my room right now, sitting in my bed, with my laptop sitting infrtont of me...its 10:41 pm (almost 11!) and so, I decided before I start reading my Girl's Life Study Bible, I'd post a blog in my blog!.
Now, I'll start off with Yesterday!. At around 2:30, we went too Ashley's house and waited until 3:00 pm, she came at around 3:19 pm-3:20 pm. We left at like 3:30 pm, we talked in the car, and went home. Me and Ashley did our hair in the Bathroom for a WHILE. Then, we went downstairs and ate CHILI. After that, me, Ashley, my mom, and my dad went out...we went shopping, got some sodas there. I got a sprite, my mom got a Ice Tea, and I think Ashley got Rootbear or pepsi...not sure. And some lollipops!.
After that, we went too another store and got gum, sunflower seeds, and a nice big CHICKEN SANDWITCH! (The BEST!). When we got home, I ate the Chicken Sandwitch quickly...Bacon...Lettice...Chicken...Yummyness!. :D.
We watched Freaky Friday (The NEW ONE). And stayed up until 10:40, we were about too watch a new one, but, my Dad wanted us too go up too, we did. And we fell asleep fast, and the next day, we got some more gum, and got some pellets. Then, we had Turkey and yummygoodness stuff at my Aunt's house, and played games afterwoulds, listened too mp3 player, and then we left...:( :( :(. So, thats pretty much how my Weekend is going!. .
Please keep reading my blog for more fun stuff!.
