Hi Hi Hi!!!.
Yesterday we went too the LIBRARY!. Or, as I call it ''Libarry''. Heehee. I have so many things too blog about!. I'll post EVERYTHING. Anyways, yesterday, we went too the Library, and I got my own LIBRARY CARD. Yay!!!. It was HUGE. I picked out the BoxCar Kids, 3 saddle club books, and some horse books!!!.
They had fiction and non-fiction books!. Then, I got too go UPSTAIRS. And, I heard something weird...like someone snoring, and we peeked in. And it was this dude laying in a chair sleeping. Haha.
My dad got 2 books. Then, we left. Oh, and I found a camera. My weird brother thinks its HIS, but it will never be his!!!. Muahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaahahahahaha. Haha.
After I get some video's on it, my dad is gonna teach me how too put the picures and video's on my blog!!!. Eeeek!. The next time I go on vacation, I'll bring it, and post the picures on my blog!. And the video's. Haha. YAY!!!.
Oh, and I can't wait until next week!. My cousin, Ashley, (you probally allready know her name, because in my last post it said it), is coming over too spend the night. With my other cousin, James. I am going too take some picures and video's too when they come, and i'll post them on my blog!. Eeek!. Oh, and my LAPTOP will probally be back when they come!. AAAAAH!. YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!.
Oh, and, I decided too do something fun on here. Its called ''Random Quiz on Me!!!''. And, I'm gonna do it RIGHT NOW. YAY!. Here:
Dare Me.
Will you drink a WHOLE gallon of milk for me: Heck no!. I hate milk, exept for Chocalate and Strawberry milk, though.
Will you dance crazily out in public with MILLONS of people watching for me?: YUP!. I dance crazily alot at home, so, I will do it in public sometime. And, I will even take my camera with me too record it!. But, I will have too do it outside of my house, or, on one of the streets I take walks on.
Will you do 10 backflips and 5 hand stands for me?: Uhhh...I would, if I knew how. Haha. So...nope.
Will you dive in ICE COLD water for me?: NOOOOO!. I'd be so cold, I wouldn't even be ABLE too do that.
Will you drink 10 gallons of very very very cold apple juice: Yup!. I did it once, and I recorded it with my camera. But, I think I deleted it. Thats OK, I'll re-do it, and i'll post it on here.
Will you Stage-Dive for me?: Ummm...it really depends, I wouldn't want too break a leg or arm or anything...but, if the people will catch me...Yup. But, if the people weren't catching me, no. So, I guess...maybe. LOL.
Will you be addicted too music?: I love music, but, i'm not upsessed with it.
Will you be a celebirty for me?, and what KIND of celebirty do you want too be?: Yes, and, I'd be a actress if I could be a celebirty.
LOL. I'll post more soon!. Bye!!!-