Time for another post!!!, peoples!!!. LOL.
Sorry I haven't posted a post in a few days!!!. Well, this is what we've been up too:
Monday, 2:30 pm- Left too the vets with Jack, the nurse lead us into the room, took Jack's tempature, gave him a HUNDRED treats (you know I'm just kidding! right?), and, asked a few questions.
Monday, 2:50 pm- Nurse left, and we had too wait until the Vet came in, waited 20 minutes, got up, and asked a lady ''I think we've been forgotten''. Had the girl get up too go get the Vet. The Vet came in in 3 minutes, fed Jack a HUNDRED treats (KIDDING!, again! LOL) and gave him a shot.
Monday, 3:53 pm- Left home!!!. LOL.
Tuesday, 8:30 am- Jack was BLOADED full of treats.
LOL, thats all I've been up too!. :D. Plus, I gave one of my Cousin's my Blog Link a while ago...I'm not sure if she got it, and, this Valintines Day is her birthday!...So, once she gets a chance too read this post, this note is for her:
Hi Leelee, I hope you are having a GREAT time!. And, its a little early too say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!. LOL, your birthday's not until Febuary 14th, but, its almost Febuary, so...tell everyone I said hi!. And, please send me a OFFLINE IM if you got this Note on my Blog! :D. And, can you please Email me!. You probally allready know my Email!. Thanks!. I'll try too get everyone too leave Comments on this post wishing you a happy birthday!. LOL. Thanks!.
LOL, hopefully she got that Note!!!. Anyways, Happy Valintines day too you all!.
Thank you for reading this!.