Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Picures coming up!.

I've been planning MORE picures soon!. There'll be some coming up. I'm also planning on dressing up in diffrent clothes, taking picures, and putting them on my blog!. WARNING: If you are a guy, you may not enjoy those picures!.
Just wanted too shout it out too you bloggers!.


Me fooling around.

Check this picure out!. LOL. Sorry that its sideways, Ashley took that picure of me...I'll try too take some picures of something else, aswell!.

Now this picure is VERY weird!. LOL. I was trying too take a picure of myself, but, I guess I didn't do a very good job on it!. LOL, anyways. I just woke up, so thats why my hair is a mess!.